The Facebook metaverse: an opportunity for the e-commerce?

Will Facebook's metaverse be the next great digital revolution? We can't read the future, but one thing is certain: this new world will not be able to do without e-commerce to find all or part of a business model. The giants seem to be moving in this direction, what about you?

Giants conquering the metaverse?

According to Facebook, e-commerce in the metaverse could reach "hundreds of millions of dollars" within ten years. By preempting this "new internet" inhabited by avatars and 3D objects, Facebook could become the Amazon of the virtual. The metaverse will open up a range of possibilities that are still hard to imagine. According to Vishal Shah, Facebook's vice president in charge of the project, within the group's Reality Labs, "the metaverse will remove most of the physical barriers that still weigh on businesses.

The user experience will be the key to the project and Facebook already has a great deal of expertise in this area and some 3 billion users to provide this new world with a large audience. But Facebook is not alone, billions are currently being invested in the subject. The GAFAMs but also important players in the world of video games (Epic Games / NVIDIA) are setting out to conquer this new Eldorado.

Is there already a use case?

Data from a Google survey shows that 66% of people say they are interested in using AR to get help when shopping. Shopify, meanwhile, revealed that interactions with products that had 3D/AR content showed 94% higher conversion rates than those that did not.

Many brands are already using 3D to show their customers. We invite you to see this at IKEA, Warby Parker, Wanna Kicks or Sephora.

There was the shop window, the e-commerce site, tomorrow how to sell your products in the 3D world?

There was the shop window, the e-commerce website, tomorrow how will you sell your products in the 3D world? Not to mention the new products we will buy, NFTs are a good example, today they are works of art but tomorrow you can buy the latest fashionable shoes for your virtual avatar or a decorative object in your virtual flat.

NFTs are the first and complete form of a metaverse product that is purchased, moreover, with a virtual currency.

A word of advice. Start today. We're here to help you.